Thursday, July 23, 2009

well, yeah.

yeah, as the name clearly states, this is where i dump everything i wanna share.

what ive wanted to do since last year.
what ive wanted to do since last year is really simple. it is to help. to helps those who need help, who needs an ear, who needs someone to just listen to all their cares and troubles, to give some advice occasionally. occasionally when i hear them, its like, i feel that its like my problem. it becomes my problem in a sense and i would keep asking them or just keep an eye out for them till they had tided thrugh it. its dam tiring, the reason is because its something ive been thrugh most of the times. thats why i can link. thats why i can understand. thats why i can empathise with them. thats how i help. when i needed to talk to someone i didn't have anyone to speak to on a long term basis. so now im being that person. to people who need help.

  • bgr
Im a product of change. lol. big joke. i thought ive learnt the lesson on bgr. didn't. ended up falling for people again. -.- twice this yr, and worse, is on people who are attached -.- crushes thats what they are. whats happening??? one in pri sch, ended in flames, we were like sworn enemies for an entire year. sec sch one, i don't even wanna talk bout it, last year another one, started off as friendship, she thought i liked her, the entire thing unravelled. we don't even talk to each other anymore. rather, she totally ignores me alr. what other crap had happened? hmm.. some sec 1 liked me last year, another sec 1 liked me this year... -.- wadintheworld's happening to the innocents? the kids?

  • just me
ive starting to have emo periods, like times i just go quiet and listen. i think i really prefer that actually. lol. the reason why i laugh so easily is more of a way for me to destress. i prefer quietness, just listening to my friends talk. (: that were the great times.

  • birthdays.
why ive never really looked forward to birthdays cause nothing gonna happen anyway. so why even look forward to them? they are just the day on which u are born. if something's gonna happen, then yeah duh of course i would look forward to those. but lol. ur kidding if something happens.

last thing for today, of course as usual is the people im close to.

lol. im close to very few people actually. 3 in pri sch, 4 in sec sch, 2 in sec sch, and..... 9 in church.probably these are the people who ive been myself when im with them. none in poly so far. im still learning more bout them each day. well, after talking to someone for just a few days, like really talk, more or less i can map out who they are like etc.
thats how i link to people.

i just recalled something. yesterday when i was actually doing my revision, i totally gave up. i felt that there were like alot of things to do, alot of things to rmb, a lot of things to complete. in a sense, i really felt like throwing my com aganist the wall if i get another 2 for the quiz. lol. how many kai ens did u get. found that horrendously depressing. shit happens.and i deserved that though. addicted to facebook. need to stop it. need to stop it.

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