Sunday, July 5, 2009

i and my dad had a pact. that if i glorify God thrugh my studies, he would believe. at least, thats what he said. i think its not really if i do it, he would believe but rather he can see the change in me then. okay, if thats what i have to do, im fine with it. time to mug. no more games like wc3 or l4d.

my sore throats still here. horrible feeling.

today was lidat. i wasted my entire morning l4ding and gaming. then afternoon went for piano lesson, then thereafter went to my cus place, then back home where i chionged mol and now im revising for mbio quiz tmw. still left with tutorial for maths and also ipc report. dam sianz. its not a small change. its quite a big change to make. big? whats big? nothing in this world is too big to handle. at least, with him nothings too big to handle. alone, cmi gg etc ....

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