Tuesday, October 6, 2009

all the crap of today and last wk.

its not the shouting that pisses me off during the sgl showcase last wk. ITs not about the shouting, but rather the tone. just like the other time. attitude is one thing, tone is another. today i wasn't talking about kimberly at all. we made each other feel bad about the whole incident and i wanted to thank her that she at least apologised to us though it really wasn't her fault. but i was more or less along the lines of talking about elvina when she shouted as the people behind me to shut up. at the time i felt like throwing my laptop at her. there i was sitting there playing cs while waiting for our debrief and Fk. kanna blasted again just because i was in the wrong place at the wrong time. KNS. next time i would probably shout back at her alr. okay MAJOR time to cool down. okay okay cool cool cool. tmw going training-.- i have mixed feelings about it.

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