Monday, August 3, 2009

with my mouth, will i make known, thy faithfulness, thy faithfulness.

with my mouth, will i make known, thy faithfulness, thy faithfulness.
with my mouth, will i make known thy faithfulness for all generations.

trust in the Lord, and all things would be good.
trust in the Lord, and he would give u all the desires of your heart.

today i experience the Lord as my peace. i was having cct, computerised common test for maths. intergration and differentation. i didn't worry at all for the test. normally i would really worry for my tests even though i would show indifference. so this is probably a first? thereafter i got 80 percent for it. i think some of the questions i ti kam, actually only one. got 2 wrong, so got 80 percent last qn i forgot how to do then i try sec school mehod, then got it correct!

and i think i just became a little pet or something lolol i got petted by someone LOL!

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